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Monday, December 3, 2007

Rachel and Parkers Wedding

Rachel and Parker are from Birmingham, but came all the way to P-cola to tie the knot! Both of them are just precious! The Wedding was held at Olive Baptist.. which as the most coolest bridal room might i add :) and we were off to New World Landing for the Recepition. Wedding Walls decorated the Church and the Recepition and did an amazing job. Everything was so beautiful!!! The whole bridal party was crazy.... but in a good way! I have solider boy or is it called superman, whatever the correct title is it is stuck in my head... thanks guys :) HEres your sneak peak!

I really like this image, its just so real......... this is when it really hits my brides. I am getting married!

Love all the matching tank tops!

Parker where are you going ? Ok this shot was not staged at all and we didnt practice it either............... well ok maybe it was, but you had to have been there! Check out the groomsmen to the Left LOL :)
Oya here is the guys G Q'n it !
And cant forget the girls!

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