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Welcome to the BLOG! This is where it all goes down. From the Newest Sneak Peeks to all the juicy Gossip! You want the 411....this is the place to be! So browse around, post a comment, or just chill! Please continue to send all emails to tcozart76@yahoo.com. Also the direct link to view your albums, sessions and layout approvals is http://www.tiffanycozart.photoreflect.com/!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Andreas Bridals-Emerald Coast Magazine Session

As you all know, Bridals have to be posted after all the wedding blissss.... and sometimes as a photographer it is soooo hard to hold off and not post at least 1 image, but you know you cant!
Well you may recongize Andrea from previous sessions posted here on my BLOG. She and her now husband, Brian just had their wedding on March 8th of this year! Andrea is also my model bride for the cover of Emerald Coast Bridal Magazine that hit newstands April 1st! These are a few of my favorite images from the session! Thanks again!

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