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Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Jennifer and Andi's Session

I just meet Jennifer and Andi for the first time when I meet these love birds for there session. Jennifer & Andi recommend this location in San Destin and I couldnt have picked a better location for them. They were so open and up for anything, which allows for sooo much creativity, My mind was running 90 to nothing! These two were married 2 months ago in Texas and are off to Japan in about 2 weeks, so good luck guys and thanks for allowing me to do my thang :) !


JenNicole said...

The pictures are amazing Tiffany! I had very high hopes coming in to this shoot and you absolutly blew my expectations out of the water. You are an amazingly talented photographer and even more so artist! Thanks for capturing our love and spirit with such intimacy and emotion!

Jennifer Daniel said...

It's actually ANDY with a Y :)

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